The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust regularly reviews their policies, procedures and frameworks.
Please see below a list of the types of written protocols, policies and procedures written by the Trust. Some of these documents are linked below. If you wish to view any of these documents that are not already linked please email:
- Clinical Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and Frameworks
- Corporate Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and Frameworks
CP02 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Policy (PDF, 307Kb)
CP04 Discharge Policy (PDF, 2Mb)
CP05 Transfer of Patients Between Wards, Departments, Specialist Units and Other Hospitals (PDF, 1Mb)
CP06 Consent to Treatment and Investigation Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
CP07 Breastfeeding Policy for Services Outside of Maternity (PDF, 203Kb)
CP08 Children and Young People in Care Policy (PDF, 4Mb)
CP09 Transition from Children’s to Adult Healthcare Services (PDF, 382Kb)
CP10 Withdrawing or Withholding Clinically Assisted Nutrition and Hydration in Adult Patients Who Lack Capacity to Consent to Treatment (PDF, 249Kb)
CP11 Resuscitation Policy (PDF, 2Mb)
CP12 Care of People with Learning Disabilities (PDF, 383Kb)
CP13 Adult Self-Harm Policy (PDF, 355Kb)
CP14 Nephrostomy Care Policy (PDF, 305Kb)
CP15 Supporting Autistic Children, young people, and Adults to Access Health Services (PDF, 1Mb)
CP16 The Safe and Effective Use of Bed and Trolley Rails Policy (PDF, 586Kb)
CP17 Identification and Management of Patients at Risk of Under Nutrition (PDF, 657Kb)
CP18 Clinical Photography, Video and Audio Recordings (PDF, 2Mb)
CP19 Mental Capacity Act (2005) Policy (PDF, 357Kb)
CP24 Bone Bank Policy (PDF, 865Kb)
CP26 Blood Transfusion Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
CP36 Chaperoning of Patients and Clients (PDF, 598Kb)
CP39 Criteria Led Discharge (PDF, 452Kb)
CP41 Safeguarding Children Policy (PDF, 717Kb)
CP42 Policy for the Prevention and Management of Adult and Paediatric Inpatient Falls (PDF, 822Kb)
CP45 Management of Enteral Feeding Tubes (PDF, 267Kb)
CP50 Management of Risks Associated with Pathology and Radiology Diagnostic and Screening Tests (PDF, 657Kb)
CP51 Point of Care Testing (POCT) Policy for the Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust, Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust, The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust (PDF, 460Kb)
CP52 Intrathecal Chemotherapy Policy (PDF, 598Kb)
CP53 Safeguarding Adults at Risk (PDF, 866Kb)
CP54 Supervision (PDF, 554Kb)
CP56 Procedural Sedation Policy (PDF, 247Kb)
CP57 Policy for the Safe Prescription, Administration and Monitoring of Oxygen Therapy in Adults (PDF, 1Mb)
CP60 Management of Pleural Diseases (PDF, 3Mb)
CP61 Management of the Deteriorating Patient (PDF, 1Mb)
CP62 Organ Donation (Solid Organs) (PDF, 512Kb)
CP63 Paediatric Self-Harm Policy (CAMHS and Acute Hospitals in Black Country) (PDF, 839Kb)
CP65 The Safe Management of Sharps, Swabs, Instruments, Needles, and other Accountable items used during surgical and interventional procedures within the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust (PDF, 372Kb)
CP66 Policy For Care of Patients Requiring Enhanced Care (PDF, 924Kb)
CP67 Identification and Management of Female Genital Mutilation Policy (FGM) (PDF, 2Mb)
CP68 Management of Dysphagia Policy (PDF, 615Kb)
CP69 Medical Handover Policy (PDF, 202Kb)
CP04 Discharge Policy (PDF, 2Mb)
CP05 Transfer of Patients Between Wards, Departments, Specialist Units and Other Hospitals (PDF, 1Mb)
CP06 Consent to Treatment and Investigation Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
CP07 Breastfeeding Policy for Services Outside of Maternity (PDF, 203Kb)
CP08 Children and Young People in Care Policy (PDF, 4Mb)
CP09 Transition from Children’s to Adult Healthcare Services (PDF, 382Kb)
CP10 Withdrawing or Withholding Clinically Assisted Nutrition and Hydration in Adult Patients Who Lack Capacity to Consent to Treatment (PDF, 249Kb)
CP11 Resuscitation Policy (PDF, 2Mb)
CP12 Care of People with Learning Disabilities (PDF, 383Kb)
CP13 Adult Self-Harm Policy (PDF, 355Kb)
CP14 Nephrostomy Care Policy (PDF, 305Kb)
CP15 Supporting Autistic Children, young people, and Adults to Access Health Services (PDF, 1Mb)
CP16 The Safe and Effective Use of Bed and Trolley Rails Policy (PDF, 586Kb)
CP17 Identification and Management of Patients at Risk of Under Nutrition (PDF, 657Kb)
CP18 Clinical Photography, Video and Audio Recordings (PDF, 2Mb)
CP19 Mental Capacity Act (2005) Policy (PDF, 357Kb)
CP24 Bone Bank Policy (PDF, 865Kb)
CP26 Blood Transfusion Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
CP36 Chaperoning of Patients and Clients (PDF, 598Kb)
CP39 Criteria Led Discharge (PDF, 452Kb)
CP41 Safeguarding Children Policy (PDF, 717Kb)
CP42 Policy for the Prevention and Management of Adult and Paediatric Inpatient Falls (PDF, 822Kb)
CP45 Management of Enteral Feeding Tubes (PDF, 267Kb)
CP50 Management of Risks Associated with Pathology and Radiology Diagnostic and Screening Tests (PDF, 657Kb)
CP51 Point of Care Testing (POCT) Policy for the Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust, Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust, The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust (PDF, 460Kb)
CP52 Intrathecal Chemotherapy Policy (PDF, 598Kb)
CP53 Safeguarding Adults at Risk (PDF, 866Kb)
CP54 Supervision (PDF, 554Kb)
CP56 Procedural Sedation Policy (PDF, 247Kb)
CP57 Policy for the Safe Prescription, Administration and Monitoring of Oxygen Therapy in Adults (PDF, 1Mb)
CP60 Management of Pleural Diseases (PDF, 3Mb)
CP61 Management of the Deteriorating Patient (PDF, 1Mb)
CP62 Organ Donation (Solid Organs) (PDF, 512Kb)
CP63 Paediatric Self-Harm Policy (CAMHS and Acute Hospitals in Black Country) (PDF, 839Kb)
CP65 The Safe Management of Sharps, Swabs, Instruments, Needles, and other Accountable items used during surgical and interventional procedures within the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust (PDF, 372Kb)
CP66 Policy For Care of Patients Requiring Enhanced Care (PDF, 924Kb)
CP67 Identification and Management of Female Genital Mutilation Policy (FGM) (PDF, 2Mb)
CP68 Management of Dysphagia Policy (PDF, 615Kb)
CP69 Medical Handover Policy (PDF, 202Kb)
GI02 Financial Management Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
GP01 Corporate Governance – Principles of Public Life (PDF, 572Kb)
GP02 Anti-Fraud and Anti-Bribery Policy (PDF, 435Kb)
GP02 Anti-Fraud and Anti-Bribery Policy (PDF, 435Kb)
HR01 Work Life Balance / Family Friendly Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
HR02 Agile Working Policy (PDF, 228Kb)
HR03 Disciplinary Policy (PDF, 806Kb)
HR04 Menopause in the Workplace Policy (PDF, 232Kb)
HR05 Equality of Opportunity Policy (PDF, 230Kb)
HR06 Dispute Resolution in the Workplace Policy (PDF, 676Kb)
HR08 Recruitment and Selection Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
HR10 Managing Allegations of Behaviour Indicating Unsuitability to Work with Children and Adults with Care and Support Needs (PDF, 279Kb)
HR13 Supporting and Managing Staff Attendance at Work Policy (PDF, 832Kb)
HR16 Freedom to Speak Up Policy (PDF, 1MB)
HR17 Implementation of Working Time Regulations (PDF, 228Kb)
HR18 Appraisal Policy (PDF, 938Kb)
HR19 Performance Capability Policy (PDF, 449Kb)
HR22 Staff Dress Code and Uniform Policy (PDF, 539kb)
HR24 Secondment Policy (PDF, 196Kb)
HR25 Expenses Policy (PDF, 443kb)
HR29 On Call Policy Agenda for Change (AfC) (PDF, 272kb)
HR30 Job Evaluation Policy and Procedure Agenda for Change (AfC) (PDF, 372Kb)
HR31 Safe Staffing Policy (PDF, 665Kb)
HR32 Organisational and Workforce Change Policy (PDF, 574Kb)
HR46 Medical Appraisal Policy - To Support Revalidation (PDF, 600Kb)
HR47 Social Media Protocol (Personal and Trust Business Use) (PDF, 529Kb)
HR48 Workplace Health and Wellbeing Policy (PDF, 626Kb)
HR49 Leave for Official Duties policy (PDF, 292Kb)
HR50 Study Leave Policy (PDF, 2Mb)
HR51 Pay Policy (AfC Staff) (PDF, 547Kb)
HR02 Agile Working Policy (PDF, 228Kb)
HR03 Disciplinary Policy (PDF, 806Kb)
HR04 Menopause in the Workplace Policy (PDF, 232Kb)
HR05 Equality of Opportunity Policy (PDF, 230Kb)
HR06 Dispute Resolution in the Workplace Policy (PDF, 676Kb)
HR08 Recruitment and Selection Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
HR10 Managing Allegations of Behaviour Indicating Unsuitability to Work with Children and Adults with Care and Support Needs (PDF, 279Kb)
HR13 Supporting and Managing Staff Attendance at Work Policy (PDF, 832Kb)
HR16 Freedom to Speak Up Policy (PDF, 1MB)
HR17 Implementation of Working Time Regulations (PDF, 228Kb)
HR18 Appraisal Policy (PDF, 938Kb)
HR19 Performance Capability Policy (PDF, 449Kb)
HR22 Staff Dress Code and Uniform Policy (PDF, 539kb)
HR24 Secondment Policy (PDF, 196Kb)
HR25 Expenses Policy (PDF, 443kb)
HR29 On Call Policy Agenda for Change (AfC) (PDF, 272kb)
HR30 Job Evaluation Policy and Procedure Agenda for Change (AfC) (PDF, 372Kb)
HR31 Safe Staffing Policy (PDF, 665Kb)
HR32 Organisational and Workforce Change Policy (PDF, 574Kb)
HR46 Medical Appraisal Policy - To Support Revalidation (PDF, 600Kb)
HR47 Social Media Protocol (Personal and Trust Business Use) (PDF, 529Kb)
HR48 Workplace Health and Wellbeing Policy (PDF, 626Kb)
HR49 Leave for Official Duties policy (PDF, 292Kb)
HR50 Study Leave Policy (PDF, 2Mb)
HR51 Pay Policy (AfC Staff) (PDF, 547Kb)
HS01 Management of Health and Safety (PDF, 1Mb)
HS03 Sharps Safety Policy (Including Splash Injury & Post Exposure Prophylaxis PEP) (PDF, 1Mb)
HS05 Ionising Radiation Safety Policy (PDF, 420Kb)
HS06 Laser, UV and Optical Radiation Protection Policy (PDF, 347Kb)
HS10 Waste Management Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
HS11 Management of Medical Devices Policy (PDF, 2Mb)
HS12 Decontamination of Re-usable Medical Devices Surgical Instruments and Scopes (PDF, 761Kb)
HS26 Fire Safety Management Policy (PDF, 2Mb)
HS32 Smoke Free Policy (PDF, 355Kb)
HS33 Driving for Work – All Vehicles (PDF, 704Kb)
HS03 Sharps Safety Policy (Including Splash Injury & Post Exposure Prophylaxis PEP) (PDF, 1Mb)
HS05 Ionising Radiation Safety Policy (PDF, 420Kb)
HS06 Laser, UV and Optical Radiation Protection Policy (PDF, 347Kb)
HS10 Waste Management Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
HS11 Management of Medical Devices Policy (PDF, 2Mb)
HS12 Decontamination of Re-usable Medical Devices Surgical Instruments and Scopes (PDF, 761Kb)
HS26 Fire Safety Management Policy (PDF, 2Mb)
HS32 Smoke Free Policy (PDF, 355Kb)
HS33 Driving for Work – All Vehicles (PDF, 704Kb)
IP01 Hand Hygiene (PDF, 1Mb)
IP02 Preventing Infection Associated with the Built Environment (PDF, 383Kb)
IP03 Prevention and Control of MRSA, VRE and other Antibiotic Resistant Organisms (PDF, 723Kb)
IP04 Transportation of Clean and Contaminated Instruments, Equipment and Specimens (PDF, 407Kb)
IP05 Linen Policy (PDF, 2Mb)
IP06 Prevention, Control and Management of Clostridioides difficile (PDF, 601Kb)
IP07 High Consequence Infectious Disease Policy (PDF, 528Kb)
IP08 Infection Prevention Operational Policy (PDF, 675Kb)
IP09 Glove Policy (PDF, 355Kb)
Isolation Policy for Infectious Diseases (PDF, 1Mb)
IP11 Infection prevention management of patients affected by common UK parasites (PDF, 421Kb)
IP12 Standard Precautions (PDF, 1Mb)
IP13 Outbreaks of Communicable Infection/Infection Prevention/Serious Incident Policy (PDF, 590Kb)
IP18 Norovirus Policy (PDF, 889Kb)
IP19 Blood and Body Fluid Spillage Management (PDF, 1Mb)
IP20 Urinary Catheter Policy (PDF, 664Kb)
IP21 Control and Management of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies including Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease (CJD) (PDF, 358Kb)
IP02 Preventing Infection Associated with the Built Environment (PDF, 383Kb)
IP03 Prevention and Control of MRSA, VRE and other Antibiotic Resistant Organisms (PDF, 723Kb)
IP04 Transportation of Clean and Contaminated Instruments, Equipment and Specimens (PDF, 407Kb)
IP05 Linen Policy (PDF, 2Mb)
IP06 Prevention, Control and Management of Clostridioides difficile (PDF, 601Kb)
IP07 High Consequence Infectious Disease Policy (PDF, 528Kb)
IP08 Infection Prevention Operational Policy (PDF, 675Kb)
IP09 Glove Policy (PDF, 355Kb)
Isolation Policy for Infectious Diseases (PDF, 1Mb)
IP11 Infection prevention management of patients affected by common UK parasites (PDF, 421Kb)
IP12 Standard Precautions (PDF, 1Mb)
IP13 Outbreaks of Communicable Infection/Infection Prevention/Serious Incident Policy (PDF, 590Kb)
IP18 Norovirus Policy (PDF, 889Kb)
IP19 Blood and Body Fluid Spillage Management (PDF, 1Mb)
IP20 Urinary Catheter Policy (PDF, 664Kb)
IP21 Control and Management of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies including Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease (CJD) (PDF, 358Kb)
MP02 Unlicensed and Off-Label Medicines Policy (PDF, 422Kb)
MP03 Medicines Reconciliation (PDF, 224kb)
MP05 Antimicrobial Policy (PDF, 212Kb)
MP07 Non-Medical Prescribing Policy (PDF, 660Kb)
MP08 Policy for Free of Charge Medicines Schemes (PDF, 257Kb)
MP09 Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (ePMA) Policy (PDF, 634Kb)
MP10 Temperature Management for Medicines Storage (PDF, 1Mb)
MP11 COVID-19 Vaccine Handling and Management Policy (PDF, 2Mb)
MP15 FP10 Prescriptions (PDF, 1Mb)
MP03 Medicines Reconciliation (PDF, 224kb)
MP05 Antimicrobial Policy (PDF, 212Kb)
MP07 Non-Medical Prescribing Policy (PDF, 660Kb)
MP08 Policy for Free of Charge Medicines Schemes (PDF, 257Kb)
MP09 Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (ePMA) Policy (PDF, 634Kb)
MP10 Temperature Management for Medicines Storage (PDF, 1Mb)
MP11 COVID-19 Vaccine Handling and Management Policy (PDF, 2Mb)
MP15 FP10 Prescriptions (PDF, 1Mb)
GOP02 Patient Safety Incident Reporting Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
OP01 Governance of Trust-wide Strategy/Policy/Procedure/Guidelines and Local Procedure and Guidelines (PDF, 2Mb)
OP02 Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response Policy (PDF, 384Kb)
OP03 Cancer Operational Policy (PDF, 727kb)
OP04 Patient Safety Incident Response Policy (PDF, 695Kb)
OP05 Adult Safeguarding Supervision Policy (PDF, 588Kb)
OP06 Media Relations Policy (PDF, 336kb)
OP07 Health Records Policy (PDF, 3Mb)
OP08 Complaints Management Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
OP09 Corporate Policy and Framework for the Governance of Partnership Agreements (PDF, 392Kb)
OP10 Risk Management and Patient Safety Reporting Policy (PDF, 2Mb)
OP15 Integrated Supplies and Procurement Department Procurement Policy (PDF, 579Kb)
OP16 Critical Care Outreach Team Operational Practice Policy (PDF, 229Kb)
OP17 Preceptorship Policy (PDF, 389Kb)
OP18 Patients’ Property Policy (PDF, 483Kb)
OP20 Management of the Deceased Patient (PDF, 490Kb)
OP28 Management of Prisoner Attendance Policy (PDF, 260Kb)
OP29 Booking Non Urgent Patient Transport Policy (PDF, 471Kb)
OP30 Research Governance Policy (PDF, 403Kb)
OP31 Legal Services Policy (PDF, 346Kb)
OP33 Estate Maintenance Policy (PDF, 324Kb)
OP39 Patient Access Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
OP41 Induction and Mandatory Training Policy (PDF, 338Kb)
OP47 Interpreting and Communication Policy and Procedure (PDF, 421Kb)
OP52 Patient Identification Policy for Adults and Paediatric Inpatients and Day Case Units (PDF, 254Kb)
OP60 Being Open (Duty of Candour) (PDF, 234Kb)
OP62 Breaking Bad News (PDF, 294Kb)
OP65 Capacity Management Policy (PDF, 546Kb)
OP67 Patient Escort Policy (PDF, 273Kb)
OP68 Volunteer Policy (PDF, 355Kb)
OP73 Undertaking an Equality Analysis (EA) (PDF, 390Kb)
OP81 Same Sex (Gender) Accommodation (PDF, 291Kb)
OP82 Prevention of cancelled operations on the day of surgery/admission/treatment (PDF, 978Kb)
OP85 Information Sharing Policy (PDF, 896Kb)
OP87 Learning from Deaths Policy (PDF, 2Mb)
OP90 Freedom of Information Policy (PDF, 353Kb)
OP91 Data Quality Policy (PDF, 269Kb)
OP92 Clinical Coding Policy (PDF, 191Kb)
OP94 Supportive Mealtimes Policy (PDF, 211Kb)
OP95 Introduction of New Clinical Techniques and Interventional Procedures (PDF, 335Kb)
OP96 Pressure Ulcer and Moisture Associated Skin Damage Prevention and Management for Adult & Paediatric Patients in Hospital and Community Services (PDF, 4Mb)
OP97 Confidentiality Code of Conduct for staff (PDF, 1Mb)
OP100 The use of safety checklists for patients undergoing surgical and interventional procedures (PDF, 583kb)
OP101 Children and Young People Did Not Attend/Failed to be Brought to Acute or Community Appointments or for Acute Admissions/No Access Gained at Pre-Arranged Home Appointments Policy (PDF, 955Kb)
OP102 Non-Elective Surgery Policy (PDF, 282Kb)
OP103 Electronic Rostering Policy (PDF, 804Kb)
OP104 Business Continuity Management Policy (PDF, 484Kb)
OP105 VIP/Celebrity Visitors to the Trust (PDF, 267Kb)
OP106 Safeguarding Children Supervision Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
OP107 Safeguarding Staff Experiencing Domestic Abuse (PDF, 279Kb)
OP108 Domestic Abuse Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
OP109 Conflicts of Interest Policy (PDF, 407Kb)
OP110 Prevent Policy (PDF, 397Kb)
OP111 De-identification and Pseudonymisation Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
OP01 Governance of Trust-wide Strategy/Policy/Procedure/Guidelines and Local Procedure and Guidelines (PDF, 2Mb)
OP02 Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response Policy (PDF, 384Kb)
OP03 Cancer Operational Policy (PDF, 727kb)
OP04 Patient Safety Incident Response Policy (PDF, 695Kb)
OP05 Adult Safeguarding Supervision Policy (PDF, 588Kb)
OP06 Media Relations Policy (PDF, 336kb)
OP07 Health Records Policy (PDF, 3Mb)
OP08 Complaints Management Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
OP09 Corporate Policy and Framework for the Governance of Partnership Agreements (PDF, 392Kb)
OP10 Risk Management and Patient Safety Reporting Policy (PDF, 2Mb)
OP15 Integrated Supplies and Procurement Department Procurement Policy (PDF, 579Kb)
OP16 Critical Care Outreach Team Operational Practice Policy (PDF, 229Kb)
OP17 Preceptorship Policy (PDF, 389Kb)
OP18 Patients’ Property Policy (PDF, 483Kb)
OP20 Management of the Deceased Patient (PDF, 490Kb)
OP28 Management of Prisoner Attendance Policy (PDF, 260Kb)
OP29 Booking Non Urgent Patient Transport Policy (PDF, 471Kb)
OP30 Research Governance Policy (PDF, 403Kb)
OP31 Legal Services Policy (PDF, 346Kb)
OP33 Estate Maintenance Policy (PDF, 324Kb)
OP39 Patient Access Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
OP41 Induction and Mandatory Training Policy (PDF, 338Kb)
OP47 Interpreting and Communication Policy and Procedure (PDF, 421Kb)
OP52 Patient Identification Policy for Adults and Paediatric Inpatients and Day Case Units (PDF, 254Kb)
OP60 Being Open (Duty of Candour) (PDF, 234Kb)
OP62 Breaking Bad News (PDF, 294Kb)
OP65 Capacity Management Policy (PDF, 546Kb)
OP67 Patient Escort Policy (PDF, 273Kb)
OP68 Volunteer Policy (PDF, 355Kb)
OP73 Undertaking an Equality Analysis (EA) (PDF, 390Kb)
OP81 Same Sex (Gender) Accommodation (PDF, 291Kb)
OP82 Prevention of cancelled operations on the day of surgery/admission/treatment (PDF, 978Kb)
OP85 Information Sharing Policy (PDF, 896Kb)
OP87 Learning from Deaths Policy (PDF, 2Mb)
OP90 Freedom of Information Policy (PDF, 353Kb)
OP91 Data Quality Policy (PDF, 269Kb)
OP92 Clinical Coding Policy (PDF, 191Kb)
OP94 Supportive Mealtimes Policy (PDF, 211Kb)
OP95 Introduction of New Clinical Techniques and Interventional Procedures (PDF, 335Kb)
OP96 Pressure Ulcer and Moisture Associated Skin Damage Prevention and Management for Adult & Paediatric Patients in Hospital and Community Services (PDF, 4Mb)
OP97 Confidentiality Code of Conduct for staff (PDF, 1Mb)
OP100 The use of safety checklists for patients undergoing surgical and interventional procedures (PDF, 583kb)
OP101 Children and Young People Did Not Attend/Failed to be Brought to Acute or Community Appointments or for Acute Admissions/No Access Gained at Pre-Arranged Home Appointments Policy (PDF, 955Kb)
OP102 Non-Elective Surgery Policy (PDF, 282Kb)
OP103 Electronic Rostering Policy (PDF, 804Kb)
OP104 Business Continuity Management Policy (PDF, 484Kb)
OP105 VIP/Celebrity Visitors to the Trust (PDF, 267Kb)
OP106 Safeguarding Children Supervision Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
OP107 Safeguarding Staff Experiencing Domestic Abuse (PDF, 279Kb)
OP108 Domestic Abuse Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
OP109 Conflicts of Interest Policy (PDF, 407Kb)
OP110 Prevent Policy (PDF, 397Kb)
OP111 De-identification and Pseudonymisation Policy (PDF, 1Mb)
Attendance at Strategy Discussions (Children’s Safeguarding) (PDF, 334Kb)
Clinical Guideline for the Frequency of Neurological Observation Recording in Adults (PDF, 436Kb)
Clinical Patient Information Standing Operating Procedure (PDF, 4Mb)
Discharge Lounge Procedure (PDF, 350Kb)
Dragon Medical Workflow Manager Standard Operating Procedure (PDF, 309Kb)
Engagement of Bank or Agency Nurses/Health Care Support Workers (PDF, 164Kb)
SOP08 Engagement of Temporary Workers (PDF, 678kb)
GDL08 Guideline for the management of In-patients with Parkinson's Disease (PDF, 449Kb)
GDL09 Guidelines for Peri-Operative Management of Adult Patients with Diabetes Undergoing Surgery (PDF, 395Kb)
GDL10 Guidance and Statement of Intent for Transgender Inclusion (PDF, 324Kb)
GDL11 Treatment of Hyperkalaemia in Adults (PDF, 243Kb)
GDL12 IV Labetalol Prescribing Regimen (PDF, 213Kb)
GDL13 The use of potassium binders in the management of persistent hyperkalaemia in patients with cardiorenal syndrome (PDF, 178Kb)
GDL14 Amiodarone Prescribing Regimen (PDF, 175Kb)
GDL15 Digoxin Prescribing Regimen (PDF, 182Kb)
GSOP23 Procedure for the access to and use of Survey Monkey Inc (PDF, 651Kb)
Guideline for the management of direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) associated bleeding (PDF, 730Kb)
Guideline Perioperative Management of Medicines in Surgical Patients (PDF, 253Kb)
Internal Transfer Procedure for Registered Nurses and Unregistered Healthcare Workers (PDF, 211Kb)
Management of Autonomic Dysreflexia in Adults (PDF, 219Kb)
Management of Inpatient Diabetes Foot (PDF, 711Kb)
Management of Oral Health (Adult In-patient's) (PDF, 302Kb)
Mattress and Cushion Care (PDF, 1Mb)
New Ward Opening/Closures/Additional Ward Capacity/Decanting (PDF, 638Kb)
Non-Clinical Records Procedure (PDF, 1Mb)
Paracetamol IV Prescribing Guideline (PDF, 208Kb)
Review and Implementation of NICE Guidance, National Guidance and National Confidential Enquiries Procedure (PDF, 526Kb)
Safe Use of Ultrasound Gel to Reduce Infection Risk (PDF, 191Kb)
Safeguarding Team Process for Managing Section 42 Enquiries (PDF, 835Kb)
The Verification Process to Ensure that the Correct Patient is Discharged to the Correct Destination SOP (PDF, 294Kb)
Use of Portable Bladed Fans in the Clinical Environment (PDF, 207Kb)
Ward Huddle Standard Operating Procedure (PDF, 172Kb)
Work Schedule Reviews and Exception Reporting for Doctors and Dentists in Training (PDF, 1Mb)
Our recommendations are based on current national guidelines and relevant evidence-base. These guideline helps inform clinicians clinical judgement. However, clinicians will consider the trade-off between the benefits and harms of an intervention before making a clinical decision.
Clinical Guideline for the Frequency of Neurological Observation Recording in Adults (PDF, 436Kb)
Clinical Patient Information Standing Operating Procedure (PDF, 4Mb)
Discharge Lounge Procedure (PDF, 350Kb)
Dragon Medical Workflow Manager Standard Operating Procedure (PDF, 309Kb)
Engagement of Bank or Agency Nurses/Health Care Support Workers (PDF, 164Kb)
SOP08 Engagement of Temporary Workers (PDF, 678kb)
GDL08 Guideline for the management of In-patients with Parkinson's Disease (PDF, 449Kb)
GDL09 Guidelines for Peri-Operative Management of Adult Patients with Diabetes Undergoing Surgery (PDF, 395Kb)
GDL10 Guidance and Statement of Intent for Transgender Inclusion (PDF, 324Kb)
GDL11 Treatment of Hyperkalaemia in Adults (PDF, 243Kb)
GDL12 IV Labetalol Prescribing Regimen (PDF, 213Kb)
GDL13 The use of potassium binders in the management of persistent hyperkalaemia in patients with cardiorenal syndrome (PDF, 178Kb)
GDL14 Amiodarone Prescribing Regimen (PDF, 175Kb)
GDL15 Digoxin Prescribing Regimen (PDF, 182Kb)
GSOP23 Procedure for the access to and use of Survey Monkey Inc (PDF, 651Kb)
Guideline for the management of direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) associated bleeding (PDF, 730Kb)
Guideline Perioperative Management of Medicines in Surgical Patients (PDF, 253Kb)
Internal Transfer Procedure for Registered Nurses and Unregistered Healthcare Workers (PDF, 211Kb)
Management of Autonomic Dysreflexia in Adults (PDF, 219Kb)
Management of Inpatient Diabetes Foot (PDF, 711Kb)
Management of Oral Health (Adult In-patient's) (PDF, 302Kb)
Mattress and Cushion Care (PDF, 1Mb)
New Ward Opening/Closures/Additional Ward Capacity/Decanting (PDF, 638Kb)
Non-Clinical Records Procedure (PDF, 1Mb)
Paracetamol IV Prescribing Guideline (PDF, 208Kb)
Review and Implementation of NICE Guidance, National Guidance and National Confidential Enquiries Procedure (PDF, 526Kb)
Safe Use of Ultrasound Gel to Reduce Infection Risk (PDF, 191Kb)
Safeguarding Team Process for Managing Section 42 Enquiries (PDF, 835Kb)
The Verification Process to Ensure that the Correct Patient is Discharged to the Correct Destination SOP (PDF, 294Kb)
Use of Portable Bladed Fans in the Clinical Environment (PDF, 207Kb)
Ward Huddle Standard Operating Procedure (PDF, 172Kb)
Work Schedule Reviews and Exception Reporting for Doctors and Dentists in Training (PDF, 1Mb)
Our recommendations are based on current national guidelines and relevant evidence-base. These guideline helps inform clinicians clinical judgement. However, clinicians will consider the trade-off between the benefits and harms of an intervention before making a clinical decision.
Invasive Cervical Cancer Disclosure Audit Procedure (PDF, 234Kb)
Mental Health Signposting Guidance (PDF, 207Kb)
Overseas Visitors Procedure (PDF, 1Mb)
Procedure for the Access to and Use of Momentive Inc. (PDF, 182Kb)
Mental Health Signposting Guidance (PDF, 207Kb)
Overseas Visitors Procedure (PDF, 1Mb)
Procedure for the Access to and Use of Momentive Inc. (PDF, 182Kb)
Prevention, Diagnosis and Management of Delirium in Adult Inpatients (PDF, 428Kb)
Inclement Weather Protocol (PDF, 200kb)
Respiratory Illnesses Protocol (PDF, 1Mb)
Inclement Weather Protocol (PDF, 200kb)
Respiratory Illnesses Protocol (PDF, 1Mb)