OneWolverhampton place-based partnership is a collaboration of health, social care, voluntary and community organisations.

Using a population health approach, we will focus physical and mental health and wellbeing in order to help us reduce the widening gaps in health inequalities across the borough.
Place-based partnership plan
You can download a copy of our plan below:-
OneWolverhampton Place-Based Partnership Plan (PDF, 1Mb)
Our partners
- Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- City of Wolverhampton Council
- Compton Care
- Healthwatch Wolverhampton
- NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board
- Primary Care Networks (six across the City)
- The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
- West Midlands Ambulance Service
- Wolverhampton Homes
- Wolverhampton Voluntary and Community Action
Our mission statement
Working together for better health and care.
Our aims
Put people at the heart of what we do:
- Local people, communities, services users, and the people that care for them, feel well informed about their health and wellbeing, services available and their condition/s
- People have more choice about the way their care is planned and delivered based on what matters most to them
- Everyone has the right access to care regardless of who they are or where they live
Right care, right place, right time:
- Enable people to stay well with access to advice, education and support to help them manage their own health and well-being needs and prevent ill health in the first place
- Use technology to help people access and manage their care at home or as close to home as possible, identify concerns earlier and keep people well for longer
- Provide joined up and personalised care based on what matters most for people
- Ensure the care and support people receive is delivered in the most appropriate place and people only go to hospital when they really need to
Work better together
- Work collaboratively to achieve our partnership objectives by making the best use of our resources and ensuring every pound is spent in the best way possible to meet the needs of our population
- Create a workforce that fit for the future and a place where people want to work long term, by investing in training and development
- Use data to support the delivery of care by integrated teams to those who need it most
Our priorities
We have set out six key areas we will prioritise to help us deliver the better outcomes for local communities:
Children and young people
- Improving primary and secondary care interfaces
- Admission avoidance and expedited discharge
- Family Hubs
- Delivering on the Start for Life and First 1001 Days agenda
Out of hospital
- Increasing utilisation of Care co-ordination
- Increased utilisation and additional clinical pathways for virtual ward
- Discharge to Assess (D2A)
- Care Homes
Living well
- Improving uptake of NHS Health Checks
- Increasing the uptake of Covid vaccinations
- Increasing the cancer screening uptake
- Maintaining and increasing the dementia diagnosis work across the City
Adult mental health
- Understanding mental health needs and assets in Wolverhampton
- Prevention and early diagnosis
- Delivery of Black Country Healthcare NHS FT Community Mental Health Transformation in Wolverhampton
- Physical health
- Dual diagnosis
- Suicide prevention
Primary care
- Making the best use of a multi-disciplinary team approach (MDTs)
- Horizontal and vertical quality improvement
- Enhanced Health in Care homes
- Digital enablement
- Widening access to include 7-day services over Winter
Urgent and emergency care
- The expansion of an integrated front door model and wider integration with care co-ordination
- Greater primary and community access to urgent diagnostics
- Place-based Winter planning
- Direct referrals to Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) for appropriate partners
Our board objectives
- To agree and implement a robust Place governance structure, ensuring the appropriate systems and process are in place to effectively deliver the local and ICS agendas
- To embed reducing health inequalities at the heart of all OneWolverhampton priorities, supporting the delivery of the Core20PLUS6 framework
- To understand our communities by listening to our citizens and using population health data to ensure that OneWolverhampton focusses on what matters most
- To foster a culture of innovation and research in community, social and primary care services, supporting high quality services for our citizens and ensuring a great place to work for our teams
- To deliver impactful change in the next 12 months, driven by and measured against a comprehensive outcomes framework
- To develop our integration strategy, defining a clear vision for the city that brings people and services together for better outcomes
Place-based partnerships
You can read more about place-based partnerships at The King's Fund - Place-based partnerships explained, as well as watch the animation below, designed by The Kings Fund, which tells you more about the changes to health and social care system which we fit into.
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