Patient information leaflets

Leaflet name A-Z

If you know the name of the leaflet then you can find it by using the A-Z directory below.

All internally produced written information can be printed at home if you wish. These lists will be updated with new and revised patient information as it becomes available.

All patient information should be used in conjunction with the advice given by a clinician.


Vaccination advice for people with Sickle Cell Disorders (Haematology)

Vaginal Hysterectomy For Prolapse (Gynaecology)

Vaginal Micronised Progesterone for Threatened Miscarriage (Gynaecology)

Vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) (Infection Prevention)

Varicocele embolisation (Radiology)

Vascular dementia and stroke (Stroke)

Video appointments – The Orthotics Service (Orthotics)

Virtual Ward (Adult Community Services)

Vision problems after stroke (Stroke)

Vocational Rehabilitation Occupational Therapy Service (Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy)

V/Q scan (Radiology)

Vulval Biopsy (Gynaecology)