Patient information leaflets

Leaflet name A-Z

If you know the name of the leaflet then you can find it by using the A-Z directory below.

All internally produced written information can be printed at home if you wish. These lists will be updated with new and revised patient information as it becomes available.

All patient information should be used in conjunction with the advice given by a clinician.


Calcium Counts (Nutrition and Dietetics)

Campylobacter (Infection Prevention)

Cannock Community Stroke Team (Stroke)

Capener Splint (Therapy Services)

Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacterales (CPE) (Infection Prevention)

Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE): I am a contact of someone who is a carrier or has an infection what does this mean? (Infection Prevention)

Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE): I may be a carrier (or have an infection) - what does this mean? (Infection Prevention)

Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) Stress Perfusion Scan (Cardiology)

Cardiac Rehabilitation for Patients Post Cardiac Surgery (Cardiology)

Cardiac Rehabilitation for Patients with Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) (Cardiology)

Cardiac rehabilitation speeded my recovery (Cardiology)

Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test (CPET) (Respiratory)

Cardioversion (Cardiology)

Care and Support in the last days of life (Palliative Care)

Care Coordination (Adult Community Services)

Care of a third- or fourth-degree tear that occurred during childbirth (also known as obstetric anal sphincter injury - OASI) (Gynaecology)

Care of your Haemodialysis Catheter - A guide for patients and carers (Renal)

Care of Wound Drains following Breast Surgery (General Surgery)

Caring for your Fistula / Graft A guide for patients and carers (Renal)

Caring for your wound at home (Fracture and Orthopaedic Clinic)

Carotid artery disease (Stroke)

Carpal Tunnel Decompression (Trauma and Orthopaedics)

Carrot Orthosis (Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy)

Cataracts (Ophthalmology)

Catarrh (Head and Neck)

Catheter care – Information and advice for patients with an indwelling catheter (Urology)

Catheter Care Information and Advice for Patients with a Urethral Catheter (Urology)

Cell salvage during a caesarean section (Critical Care)

Cervicogenic Dizziness

Charles Bonnet Syndrome (Ophthalmology)

Child Asthma Action Plan (Respiratory)

Child Protection Medical Examination (Children’s Services)

Childhood Stroke

Childhood Stroke - A handbook for families (Stroke)

Chronic Pain Management Service (Chronic Pain Management Service)

Ciclosporin Information (Ophthalmology)

Circumcision (Complete Removal of the Foreskin) (Urology)

Clinical Photography (Clinical Illustration)

Clostridioides Difficile (Infection Prevention)

Cold Therapy (Therapy Services)

Colonic Transit Study (Radiology)

Colonoscopy (Endoscopy)

Colonoscopy or Flexible Sigmoidoscopy and Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR) (Gastroenterology)

Colonoscopy Results and advice following the procedure (Endoscopy)

Colpocleisis (Prolapse repair that closes the vagina) (Gynaecology)

Colposcopy (Gynaecology)

Colposcopy Procedure; Loop Diathermy of the Cervix (LLETZ) (Gynaecology)

Communication problems after a stroke (Stroke)

Community Neurological Rehabilitation Team (C.N.R.T.) (Neurology)

Complementary Therapies (Oncology and Haematology)

Computed Tomography (CT) scan (Radiology)

Computerised Tomography (CT) Coronary Angiography (Cardiology)

Community Intermediate Care Team (CICT) (Therapy Services)

Constipation in Children - Advice Sheet (Children’s Services)

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) (Respiratory)

Contracture prevention passport (Therapy Services)

Contrast Baths (Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy)

Coping with breathlessness (Therapy Services)

Corneal Graft Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty (DALK) (Ophthalmology)

Coronary Angiogram (Cardiac Catheterisation) (Cardiology)

Coronary Angioplasty and Stent Insertion (Cardiology)

Covid 19 rehabilitation (Therapy Services)

Covid 19 testing for patients (Communications)

Critical Care Follow-up Service (Critical Care)

Critical Care Patient Diary (Critical Care)

Croup - Advice Sheet (Children's Services)

CT enterology (Radiology)

CT Head scan (Radiology)

CT Scan (Radiology)

CT scan with oral contrast (Radiology)

C-Urea Breath Test (Gastroenterology)

Cyst Removal (Ophthalmology)

Cystitis (Urology)

Cystogram (Radiology)

Cystoscopy (Gynaecology)

Cystoscopy and Stretching of the Bladder Neck (Dilatation) in Women (Urology)

Cytosponge (Endoscopy)

Cytosponge Results and Advice (Endoscopy)