Patient information leaflets

Leaflet name A-Z

If you know the name of the leaflet then you can find it by using the A-Z directory below.

All internally produced written information can be printed at home if you wish. These lists will be updated with new and revised patient information as it becomes available.

All patient information should be used in conjunction with the advice given by a clinician.


Gabapentin Schedule (Chronic Pain Management Service)

Gastroenteritis/Diarrhoea and vomiting (Children’s Services)

Gastroscopy (Endoscopy)

Gastroscopy and Banding Results and advice following the procedure (Endoscopy)

Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy (Endoscopy)

Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy Results and advice following the procedure (Endoscopy)

Gastroscopy and Dilatation Results and advice (Endoscopy)

Gastroscopy and Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (Gastroenterology)

Gastroscopy and HALO radiofrequency ablation (Endoscopy)

Gastroscopy and Insertion of Oesophageal Stent (Gastroenterology)

Gastroscopy and Insertion of Oesophageal Stent Advice following the procedure (Endoscopy)

Gastroscopy and Oesophageal Dilatation (Gastroenterology)

Gastroscopy and Variceal Banding (Endoscopy)

Gastroscopy Results and advice following the procedure (Endoscopy)

General Guidance for Patients on Replacement and Long-Term Therapeutic Corticosteroids (Steroid – dependent patients) (Diabetes)

General Wound Information (Tissue Viability)

Generic Abiraterone (Oncology and Haematology)

Getting active after a stroke (Stroke)

Getting help after rape and sexual assault (Sexual Health)

Getting online for people with aphasia (Stroke)

Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) Procedure (Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering)

Glue Ear (OME) (Head and Neck)

Gluten-free Diet Information (Nutrition and Dietetics)

Graduated compression stockings

Grip Splint (Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy)

Grommets (Head and Neck)

Gross Motor Activity Pack (Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy)

Group B Streptococcus (GBS) in pregnancy and newborn babies (Obstetrics)

Guidance for people with a ReSPECT plan (Oncology and Haematology)

Guidance for people with a ReSPECT plan (Emergency Department)

Guide to buying footwear (Orthotics)

Guide to the spring 2023 COVID-19 booster (COVID-19)

Guide to the Home Introduction of Wheat for children (Nutrition and Dietetics)

Gynaecology Rapid access clinic (Gynaecology)

Gynaecology Ward Information for Patients (Gynaecology)