Smokefree RWT

Frequently asked questions

Not sure how or why we have gone smoke free? We’ve answered some common questions below!

Smoking was excluded from all Trust sites on 1 October 2020 - this includes in the grounds, in buildings, outside entrances and in vehicles.

The use of e-cigarettes is permitted on Trust grounds. This is because e-cigarettes are significantly less harmful that tobacco to both the person using them and others in the surrounding area.;

Many people have found vaping a really helpful way to go completely smoke free, which is why we have introduced ‘Quit Zones’ on our hospital sites.

Quit Zones are areas where you can use e-cigarettes well away from hospital entrances.

Patients visiting Cannock Chase Hospital are welcome to use the Quit Zone based directly outside the level 1 entrance.

Want to know more about e-cigarettes? Visit NHS Smokefree - e-Cigarettes

In-patients (those patients admitted onto a ward or who stay overnight in hospital) will be supported to go smoke free for the duration of their stay (see question 3 for more information about in-patient support).

We want to ensure all of our sites, hospital and community, are healthy places to visit and work in; this means taking proactive steps to protect staff, patients and visitors from the damage of second-hand smoke.

This is particularly important for those more vulnerable groups such as pregnant women and those with long-term heart or breathing conditions.

A recent survey also showed that many staff members were unhappy about the amount of cigarette smoke they were exposed to, particularly around hospital entrances.

So based on this feedback, and on national guidance, we have made the decision to go smoke free, and we hope that this will become the ‘new normal’ for people in health care settings and in their local community.

We will be offering a range of stop-smoking medications to help patients stay smoke free during their inpatient stay, as well as providing advice on the best ways to quit smoking as they are discharged from hospital.

Please note:
  • If patients arrive at hospital with tobacco it will be put in storage until discharge.
  • Patients visiting as part of a planned / routine appointment should charge e-cigarettes prior to their visit, as these should not be charged on site in line with fire and safety regulations.

For patients who wish to use this as an opportunity to quit smoking altogether, free support and guidance can be accessed via the  NHS website

The British High Court (2008) ruled that smoking is not a basic human right.

We ask all staff, patients and visitors to not smoke in respect for others - particularly those with respiratory conditions and underlying illnesses.

Any member of the public smoking within Trust grounds will be approached by a member of Trust staff and asked to stop smoking.

The Trust has zero tolerance to violence. If any member of the public persists in smoking or becomes abusive or aggressive when asked to stop, they will be asked to leave the site by Trust security staff.

Thank you for cooperation in advance.