Originally appointed Associate Non-Executive Director 7 February 2022 , Non-Executive Director from 15 August 2022

Professor Martin Levermore MBE DL a Visiting Professor for Health, Education and Life Science at Birmingham City University (BCU).
Martin is a founder and Chief Executive of Medical Devices Technology International Ltd (MDTi), he has been working with the NHS regionally and nationally for over the past 18 years to commercialise and bring to market innovative products and service ideas.
Martin has over 18 years at Senior Board level in the Life Sciences sector and sits on the Executive Board of PIONEER as Commercial Adviser, whilst Chairing the advisory board to Health Data Research UK (HDRUK).
Currently Martin’s professional area of interest is on the adoptability of agile strategies and technologies that will improve clinical utility and the equity of medical devices to provide quicker and accurate assessment and diagnosis for patients centred around the flexibility of remote management.
Martin holds a Senior Associateship with the Royal Society of Medicine; he is a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment and Fellowship of the Royal Society of Arts.
Martin is the Independent Person for Windrush Compensation Scheme reporting to the Home Secretary.
Professor Martin Levermore was appointed in 2018 by Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant, Sir John Crabtree OBE, as a Deputy Lieutenant to the West Midlands.