Appointed February 2023

Dr Umar Daraz, PhD is a Director of Innovation at Birmingham City University (BCU). Educated at Harvard University in Disruptive Innovation and Strategy. Umar holds a PhD in Polymer Chemistry and Engineering from Aston University funded by Exxon Mobil Chemicals, Baytown Texas (USA).
His expertise and extensive board level spans a 20+ years career in senior investment and R&D roles across the Public, Private and UK Government sectors. He has a track record in shaping, influencing, and driving large scale disruptive research, innovation and growth transformation programs in the UK, EU, Singapore, and China. He has led on developing large scale healthcare research and innovation programs; Bio-innovation campuses, Materials Innovation Factory, Sensor City, and a Telemedicine Digital 5G Healthcare Test bed.
Umar holds various positions: the sole research & innovation advisor on the River Severn Partnership board – a £240m net zero infrastructure program. He is also the Birmingham local Lead for the NASA Space Apps Challenge.
Prior to joining BCU, Umar worked at the University of Liverpool, UK Government - Department of Trade & Industry (DTI), and Venture Capital Investment. His skill sets reside in advising on strategy and propositions in high growth sectors; artificial intelligence, cyber security, digital productivity, robotics, data, healthcare, life sciences, net zero energy and personalised medicine.
Umar is passionate in elevating research and innovation strategies that delivers service-oriented impact with demonstrable step change outcomes and reduces health inequalities.
Away from the boardroom Umar enjoys walking in the hills, tendering to his garden, and playing tennis.