
March 2024

Prestigious award given by NHS England

Date of release: 15 March 2024

Two inspiring Healthcare Support Workers (HSWs) have won prestigious awards for their commitment to providing high-quality care to Wolverhampton patients.

Latest News: Mikey Lucas with his Chief Nursing Officer Award

From left to right: Debra Hickman, Chief Nursing Officer at RWT, Mikey, Lucas, Healthcare Support Worker, Nafeezah Koodaruth, Healthcare Support Worker Gifty Affram, Regional Midwifery International Recruitment Advisor for NHS England

Michael, known as Mikey, Lucas, and Nafeezah Koodaruth, based at New Cross Hospital, part of The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, have been awarded a Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) Award.

The CNO Awards were developed in 2019 by NHS England (NHSE) to reward the significant and outstanding contribution made by Nurses and HSWs.

They recognise the enormous range of skills, expertise, and enduring compassion that modern Nursing and Midwifery represent – celebrating those who go above and beyond their everyday roles.

Mikey, 32 from Wednesfield, has worked at the Trust for 15 years, with the last six years spent in the Emergency Department (ED). His daily duties range from taking observations, such as heart rate and oxygen readings, to changing dressings and supporting with patient hygiene/nutrition.

He said: “I like the fast-paced nature of ED and the variety it brings. I also love hearing the patients’ stories. It’s a fantastic place to work.”

A nursing home carer by background, Nafeezah applied to work as a HSW on the Trust’s staffing bank – working across a range of areas from Trauma and Orthopaedics to Gynaecology. She later applied to work on the Surgical Emergency Unit, and has enjoyed her role ever since.

“I love the team,” the 42-year-old said. “We are like a family, and that feeling of togetherness helped morale during the peaks of COVID-19, because at times we were often the only other people we’d see. But the pandemic made us stronger – we carried on and did the best by our patients.”

Presented to a panel of senior NHSE nursing leaders, their nominations commended the members of staff for their “dedication” to mentoring their peers, with Mikey described as an “asset to the department”, while being “non-judgemental” and “calm,” and Nafeezah hailed as “one of life's most wonderful people”.

The duo heard their feedback at a special presentation attended by Debra Hickman, Chief Nursing Officer at RWT and Gifty Affram, Regional Midwifery International Recruitment Advisor for NHS England.

Debra said: “I’m so proud of our staff members for their efforts. This is a big thing and the teams have put you forward think a great deal of you. This will inspire others no doubt.

“Even with winter pressure and high demand you owned it. We’re all cogs in a big wheel to make sure we provide safe care to patients.”

Gifty said: “We have 3009 HSWs across the Black Country. And you are the first two to win this award. This speaks volumes of your kindness and commitment – you thoroughly deserve them. Congratulations.”

Mikey said: “It’s great to be recognised at such a level, I’m incredibly proud of what I’ve achieved.

“I’m very grateful,” added Nafeezah, “And touched to learn that people see my work and think it’s too a good standard. The award was so unexpected.”

To find out more about HSW careers, visit the NHS Careers website