Memoir reflects on 40 years of nursing
Date of release: 22 July 2024
A heart-warming memoir written by a former Wolverhampton Nurse has been published to inspire others and highlight changes in the profession over the years.

Jo Collins pictured during her retirement and in 1979
The memoir, written by Jo Collins, who died in 2020 aged 85, details a reflection of her 40-year career in Nursing, through stories she recalled from her time at the Royal Hospital, New Cross Hospital, and work across the city as an agency Nurse.
It forms part of The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust Charity Arts and Heritage Group’s ‘Care, Create, Conserve’ project.
Packed with empathy and humour, the account details Jo’s experience between 1953 and 1996 as she reflects on memorable moments.
Documenting her journey from Trainee Nurse to Sister, Jo reminisces about friendships, happy memories, drama, and excitement, and how her passion for Nursing was sparked from a young age.
Jo’s daughter, Nicky Gale, said: “My mum would be so thrilled to see the published memoir. She would have loved this project and would have been fully involved in it.

Jo Collins's book Forty Years in Nursing
“The memoir documents her unique personal account but is also a fascinating example of healthcare history.”
“It’s also interesting to understand how Nursing has changed over time, through technology, bureaucracy, academia and opportunities for progression.
“But I imagine the core motivation remains the same for the vast majority of people going into the profession – that is to care for others.”
Through shining a spotlight on the reality of the Nursing profession over the past 40 years, Jo recalls the swift changes and advances in facilities, service-level expectations and rules and regulations – which were particularly prevalent upon her return from a career break to raise her family.
Copies are available from the Arts and Heritage Centre based in Wolverhampton Central Library, during Library opening hours.
- For more information, or if you would like to get involved in the project, please email