Capturing young patients’ voices
Date of release: 11 October 2023
Young patients at New Cross Hospital are being supported to have their voices heard as part of a new initiative.
‘Important to Me’ boards will be installed within the Paediatric areas (A21, PAU and A23) to keep them updated and encourage them to ask any questions or raise any concerns.

The boards, which will be updated daily, will be above every bed space, and filled in by the patient or the patient’s parent/carer/Nurse during their hospital stay.
- Name
- Pronouns
- Date
- Consultant
- Named Nurse
- Plan for the day
- What is important to me today?
- My questions/concerns
Sarah Lewis, Matron in Children’s Specialities and Outpatients at The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, has helped plan the launch of the Important to Me boards and is looking forward to seeing the responses.
“We are hoping that this will alleviate any worries patients or their parents/carers may have, resulting in a happier and less stressful stay in hospital,” she said.
“We understand that parents/carers may not be able to stay with their child all the time, so updating the child’s plan daily during their stay will help them keep updated too.”
Seventeen-year-old Amelia Baggs has recently been a patient on Ward A21 and was one of the first to trial the board.
She said: “I really like the idea as it helps staff to understand my needs and what I prefer during my hospital stay.”
The boards are wipeable and designed for long-term use.
Feedback will be reviewed as part of the Trust’s efforts to enhance patients’ experience.